
Laboratory tests

Comprehensive laboratory testing, on site blood sample taking, no waiting time, every workday. Results within 48 hours. Results may be obtained via e-mail, in person or via an authorized person.

General and special laboratory testings, simple and special microbiological testings

  • Bacteriological testing (breeding, serology)
  • Parasitological testing (microscopic testing, breeding, serology)
  • Mycological testing (microscopic testing, breeding, serology)
  • Virological testing (breeding, serology): hepatitis A, B C, HIV virus , Ebstein-barr virus, Influenza virus, Rubeola virus.
  • Complete laboratory testings: electrolytes, carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism, human iron metabolism, proteins, liver function testing, pancreatic testing, kidney function testing, blood count, complete blood count, blood coagulation, cardiac parameters.
  • Urinalysis: general and urinary sediment testing.
  • Hormone testing.
  • Tumor markers: screening for tumors from blood of mammary, ovary, uterus, liver, oesophagus, gaster, pancreas, prostate, lung.
  • Testing for Candida from blood and consultation with a specialist.
  • AIDS test
  • Clinical Chemistry
  • Blood count, complete blood count (The easiest and quickest laboratory method for the examination of our organism)
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