
Contact us

Information for patients


We operate a scheduling system to ensure seamless service of our patients. An appointment has to be scheduled for a visit, since our specialists are available for a consultation at these times. The exact time of your examination may vary by a few minutes, though, due to congestions. If consultations take too long, there may be some delays. In such cases, you are kindly asked to stay patient. Please think of others, and turn up on time for your appointment. Please show up 10 minutes prior to your examination. Every staff of Aranyklinika does its best to serve its clients according to their appointment and without delay to meet maximum satisfaction.

Cancellation of appointment

If you are unable to attend you appointment, please cancel your scheduled time not later than 24 hours prior to the examination. Thank you for your understanding! If you fail to cancel your appointment and you are not present at the scheduled time, we can provide you another appointment no sooner than at the end of the surgery hours. If you fail to attend your appointment, you waste other people’s time.

Previous diagnoses

To help things go smooth, please make sure you bring along your previous diagnoses. If these were performed at Aranyklinika, please let your doctor know about it.

Complaint handling

Even with the best effort of our reception staff, telephone assistance and medical specialists, there may be instances which can be of concern to you. In such cases, please turn to the reception desk. Your opinion is important for us and we will do our best to handle it as soon as we can. In writing, you can submit your complaint at email address.

Surveillance system

Aranyklinika Kft. operates a surveillance system on the premises of Aranyklinika Medical Surgery. You can read about the Privacy Policy of the surveillance system at the following link.

Data protection

You can read about the Privacy Policy at the following link.


Directions by car

There is a pay parking system in Arany János utca, as it is in the city center of Szeged.

Note that the parking system of Szeged has been changed as of 06 June, 2017. Parking tickets can only be purchased at the new parking meters or via mobile parking system. For further details visit parking information at the SZEPARK webpage.

From Szeged railway station, Aranyklinika can be reached via Boldogasszony sugárút, Tisza Lajos körút, Dózsa utca, Arany János utca.

Directions by public transportation

From the railway station take tram nr.1 and get off after 6 stops. From Anna kút, Arany János utca is a few-minute walk.

Aranyklinika can be approached via Anna kút by tram (1,2,3,4), by bus (10,20) or by trolleybus (5,8), and via Dózsa György utca by trolleybus (9,19).

Behind Anna kút, Arany János utca is perpendicular to Dózsa György utca and Tisza Lajos körút. Coming from Széchenyi tér you can approach Aranyklinika via Takaréktár utca.

Virtual tour

You can find our Virtual tour at the following link.

Payment options

You can pay in cash.

For selected examinations (provided by Aranyklinika) you can pay with a credit card. For outpatient treatment in general you can only pay with cash. For detailed information about the payment options contact us by email or phone.


You can contact us at the following contacts:

E-mail address Contact
Reception (request for an appointment, cancellation of appointment, resignation, general matters)
Tímea Halász-Gyurik Executive Director
Dr. Zoltán Palotás Medical Director
László Dobó IT manager, Deputy Executive Director
Dr. Norbert Simon Data Protection Officer
Labor administration (laboratory result inquiries)
Genetics Lab Administration (finding, sending results)
Medical screening packages (contact, quotation)
Study coordination (administration, inquiry)
Job application (submit a resume)

Hungary, 6720 Szeged, Arany János utca 14.

Online appointment

Aranyklinika Kft.

Headquarters (“A” building):
6720 Szeged, Arany János utca 14.

Site (“B” building):
6720 Szeged, Arany János utca 1.

Registration authority:
Szegedi Törvényszék Cégbírósága

Free WI-FI

We provide free wireless internet access for our visitors!



Surveillance system


For information on how the camera system works, see this link.

Credit card payment


Terms and conditions apply. We reserve the right to make changes! Learn about the terms of use here!

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