
Special services

Before testing, a consultation with a specialist is strongly advised to receive a tailor-made and adequate treatment. Our assistants cannot provide advice on selecting the treatment and nor can they evaluate results. These can only be performed by a specialist.

  • ABPM – measuring blood pressure day and night

    Monitoring blood pressure in our everyday life. It is a method used for registering temporary surges in blood pressure and adjusting medicine intake against hypertension.

  • Allergen-specific IgE testing

    The allergen-specific IgE antibody test is a blood test. Several allergens can be tested from blood sample. This test is recommended to be performed besides the traditional clinical skin test as well. After anamnesis, food panels (inhalation panels) are chosen, available at Aranyklinika. In the case of diagnosed allergy, there is a possibility to test for cross-allergy, what can lead to improved quality of life.

  • Aspiration cytology (thyroid biopsy)

    Aspiration biopsy is a diagnostic procedure which provides additional information on suspicious alterations on the surface of the body (inflammation, benign or malignant tumor).

  • Bone density testing

    Osteoporosis is a disease affecting mostly the elderly population. Besides cardiovascular diseases and cancer, osteoporosis is the most significant public health issue.

  • BRCA1, BRCA2 screening from blood

    Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome screening from blood. Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are tumor suppressor genes. The mutation of both alleles is needed for the development of the tumor.

  • Cardiac screening

    At Aranyklinika, cardiac screening at a reduced price is now available. This includes several laboratory tests, ECG, body fat calculation, heart ultrasound test, cardiology diagnostic test and tooth abscess test now free of charge.

  • Conflict management

    Conflict means that there is a difference between our and other people’s volition, intention and aim. Stress – in a social psychological sense – is the imbalance between the individual’s possibilities and the social expectations. There is a strong correlation between the two phenomena.

  • Cross-reactivity examination

    Cross-reactivity is a biochemical phenomenon which occurs when certain substances, which are similar in structure to allergens, trigger allergic reactions or intensify symptoms. For instance, if somebody is allergic to mugwort, they should avoid celery and lovage, because as they are closely related to each other, they trigger the same allergic reaction as mugwort.

  • Dental epicutaneous test

    A high number of clients have allergic complaints after dental treatment. It is advisable, therefore, to have an allergy test performed prior to dental treatment. The epicutaneous test detects metal and plastic sensitivity, diagnosing allergy well before having an expensive dental prosthesis.

  • Down screening from maternal serum

    Down syndrome is the most common chromosome abnormality in newborn babies. This disorder is typically associated with characteristic appearance and intellectual disability, but other symptoms may be related as well, such as heart defect, immune system disorder and breathing disorder. People with Down syndrome may be more prone to infections.

  • ECG testing

    Electrocardiography (ECG) is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure which provides information about heart functioning. By registering heart rhythms at contractions, it assesses the electrical activities of the heart.

  • Epicutan test

    In case of allergic skin reaction, it is important to learn the cause of the complaints. The aim of the test is to identify substances that reach the skin and trigger allergic reaction.

  • Food intolerance test

    Do you experience stomach pain, digestive problems and meteorism on a regular basis? Do you often suffer from headaches, rashes, itchy eczemas or fatigue? You cannot find the causes. Chances are high that a particular food may be to blame.

  • GastroPanel from blood

    GastroPanel is a complex biomarker examination from blood sample which assesses the structure and function of the gastric mucosa. Gastric diseases can be diagnosed without endoscopy.

  • Lactose intolerance test (Hydrogen Breath Test)

    Hydrogen breath test is performed. Lactase is an enzyme responsible for the digestion of lactose. Its level decreases with ageing.

  • Laser acupuncture

    Acupuncture is a healing method which has been utilized for thousands of years. It originates from China. Acupuncture is supposed to treat malfunctions in the body, and it has no effect on organ dysfunctions or genetic disorders. As opposed to invasive or medicinal methods, it does not have any side effects and it strengthens the natural defenses of the body.

  • Measuring the level of vitamin D

    There is decreased sunshine duration in Hungary from spring to autumn, and our body is in absence of natural vitamin D. Two-thirds of the population suffers from vitamin D deficiency in this period.

  • Mole screening and mole removal

    Melanoma is a malignant tumor which develops from pigment-producing cells. It can develop from existing birthmarks, especially if they are exposed to constant damaging stimuli (strong UV radiation, mechanical damage); but it can appear on normal skin as well. Its prevalence is growing in Hungary. It is diagnosed at an average age of 40 to 45.

  • Newborn hip screening

    By screening the development of the hip joint and thus identifying and correcting abnormalities, we can prevent lifelong problems. Infants are especially at risk if there is a history of hip dysplasia in the family.

  • Paternity testing

    Nowadays, it is possible to determine the parents’ identity to an accuracy of almost 100%. While the mother’s identity is certain, the father’s identity may be unsure. However, by testing the infant and the potential father, the biological relationship can be confirmed or disproved.

  • PCO center

    Can infertility be reversed? Szeged’s first PCO center has opened at Aranyklinika.

  • Prenatal test: NIFTY test

    NIFTY test offers genetic screening for the most common chromosomal abnormalities in fetal development.

  • Screening of sexually transmitted diseases, HPV screening

    HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus. It is the most common pathogen responsible for sexually transmitted diseases. Out of more than 130 types known today, 40 can cause disease on the genitals. It is transmitted through physical contact via damaged skin or mucosa, most probably during sexual intercourse.

  • Screening of varicose veins and vasoconstriction

    Although a lot of people consider visible varicose veins harmful, in a medical sense, they are not always abnormal. On the other hand, some seemingly harmless degeneration on the lower limb may turn out to be severe varicose veins. In most cases they are a cosmetic concern, especially for ladies, but it is a nuisance for an increasing number of men as well.

  • Sexual dysfunctions

    Sexual dysfunctions are rooted in the personality of individuals. They are related to a lack of self-esteem, and other bodily and mental problems. To investigate the causes, the involvement of a wide variety of experts is needed such as urologist, gynaecologist, endocrinologist, internist, cardiologist, vascular surgeon, neurologist, psychiatrist, laboratory technician, geneticist and so on.

  • Skin Prick Testing

    Different inhalative and nutritive allergens are placed on the inner forearm, and after some time the results can be obtained. It gives a relatively safe result. The examination cannot be performed if the patient is taking anti-histamines. At Aranyklinika 50 types of allergens may be determined in such a way.

  • Snoring

    Is snoring dangerous? How does sleep apnea develop?
    Sleeping disorder symptoms develop slowly, and gradually become more severe. The patient discovers the disorder only after complications appear.

  • Stroke screening

    Stroke is a sudden deficit of blood circulation or bleeding in the brain. It can be temporary (within 24 hours) or can lead to permanent neurological damages. Recurrent stroke is frequent, with more severe effects.

  • Tumor markers

    Tumor markers are proteins produced by the organism as a response to tumor development. Some tumor markers are specific to a particular tumor whereas others can be found in a healthy organism as well.

  • Ultrasound of the heart

    Doppler echocardiogram uses ultrasound waves to test the heart, the atria, the ventricles, the thickness of their walls and the functioning of the valves. The test can diagnose possible abnormalities in the heart such as thrombosis, tumors, fluid in the pericardium, tumors of the pericardium.

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